Monday, September 3, 2007

The False Prophet

Anyone who has visited my website would notice that I have posted there some nasty sounding prophecies. What you might not know is that my goal, as the 'prophet of YAHWEH' must now be to become a false prophet. Yes, I have high hopes that perhaps I might become a false prophet at the end of it all, and none of those damn nasty sounding things will happen. That means I better put my nose to the grind stone because I have a lot of work to do to turn a situation around so that things take a turn for the better, and I can become a false prophet instead of a true prophet, which wouldn't be good.

There is this famous fable about some prophet, by the name of Jonah, who told a prophecy, and then when he got lucky and his prophecy did not come true, he became extremely pissed off about it, for, you see, he had become a false prophet instead of becoming a true prophet, and that pissed him off. If I can become a false prophet that would not be a problem for me, because unlike that Jonah, I have enough brains to want to be a false prophet when it comes to nasty sounding prophecies like those things.