Apparently I am Hitler. I don’t much resemble Hitler, because I am a very warm and loving polygamous fag, who loves those guys with such a passion that my great goal in life, formulated right after puberty, was to display my passionate affection for them by giving them such a raunchy sexual experience that they would be launched out past Andromeda. And what could possibly be a more loving thing to do for another human being than this spectacular thing that human beings love so very much.
I always thought I was quite warm and affectionate, and a very caring individual, as could be seen from my displays of polygamous sexual attractions, but, no, apparently, according to the feedback you hear about someone like me, I am Hitler.
Well I must Hitler, since I will joining Hitler on the barbeque to get roasted in screaming flames for an eternity of endless time because I made some guy completely lose his head and then cum with overwhelming passion, or so I would hope if everything turns out exactly as I dreamed it would. If doing that once, in a committed monogamous relationship, was not already evil enough, my plan was to make it much fucking worse by doing it over again, thus repeating that same mistake who knows how many times. For this crime against humanity, the crime of multiplying orgasms and deeply loving more than one single human being forever, I must fry right alongside Hitler. Perhaps we could split a suite down in hell, while we reflect upon the evil we did while we walked the earth. Hitler would no doubt regret roasting all those Jews, and I am sure that the Jews would be complaining about it as well, while I, alas, poor me, would be eternally regretting all those evil intensely powerful orgasms I gave out during my lifetime, although I think you would be hard pressed to find someone to complain about those orgasms the way the Jews complain about Hitler. Perhaps later, if enough negative peer pressure was applied someone might come forward to file a criminal complaint, but you can be sure that while it was true that Jews were complaining on their way to those ovens, no one was complaining while I was making them cum. Here we can see the key difference between myself and Adolph, in that Hitler’s victims complain all the time, while my victims only found some reason to complain later on.
Here I am making the assumption that any of my victims actually found anything to complain about, and if one of them did then I would suppose that I would have to face charges on that one single count, since it is hard to imagine proceeded with a criminal trial where no victims can be found to come forward and file a complaint.